Nagios style plugin for Kubernetes monitoring

Date July 4th, 2018 Author Vitaly Agapov

“Last man standing," Amos replied with another grin. "It's in my job description.”

James S.A. Corey «Cibola Burn»


Usually when one thinks about the active monitoring of Kubernetes health then the Prometheus + Alertmanager comes to his mind. This is quite obvious way especially when Prometheus is already an almost mandatory component of the Kubernetes cluster. But what if I am happy with my Icinga/Zabbix/"even Nagios" setup which is monitoring my beyond-Kubernetes stuff and I want to keep everything in one place, manage the contacts, notifications as I used to? Then I need a plugin. And I have one. It is right here:

The repo has a detailed README so I won't repeat it here.  Just use it, feedback and contribute.

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